If our product doesn't work on your device within 30 days from the date of purchase and our technical support team fails to resolve the problem, we will refund your amount within 3 to 4 working days. Be assured that our 24x7 customer support team will resolve your problem, and a refund won't be needed. We will definitely try our best to provide you with excellent products and solutions.
If you're having trouble with Qoli and our customer support team can't help, you might qualify for a full refund following the Refund Policy. Please reach out to us at [email protected] to get in touch with our support team.
In the case of a chargeback or other similar action being taken by a credit card company or third-party payment provider concerning the subscription purchase, Qoli retains the right to suspend access to all accounts held by you. Reactivation of your account shall be at our own discretion and shall occur only after we have received payment for the outstanding orders. All transactions processed through our credit card payment system shall show on your credit card statement. You should be responsible for all chargebacks and other disputes arising from any claims made by you regarding services purchased on our website.